Saturday, May 14, 2011

Was It All Worth It?

Today marked the end of my first week of residency.  The week was filled with a plethera of information on what I can expect over the next 5 years.  I have to say, the program I am involved in is a finely oiled machine.  Dean Winston and the Regent Professors want only to see us suceed in all that we do.  So, to answer my own questions, "Was It All Worth It", my answered is yes, yes it is.

Until next time......

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day of Reflection

As I finished my first day of Residency (May 9, 2011), I (like most everyone else in my group) had been left with equal feelings of excitement and nervousness about what exactly we were getting ourselves into.  Each professor I met genuinely spoke from their heart and calmed the nerves of each student.  The key word I picked up yesterday was "grace".  Now, I have spoken with many doctoral students, or "emerging doctors", as Dr. Carr referred to us, and never did they speak of grace during their respective first year.  That meant a great deal to me and others as we set there not knowing exactly what the future held.

Some individuals still were not sure if they had done the right thing in deciding to take such a large undertaking.  I have a calm that the Lord will be my guiding hand and this journey will be a great one.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Its A Kind of Magic

It is now the eve of beginning my endeavour at Regent.  I am so excited, yet filled with uncertainty.  I know this is going to be a long, yet fruitful journey.  God speed as I begin.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Invisible Touch.....

As I sit here typing before I leave for Virginia Beach, VA to begin my residency at Regent University, I look back on the past 9 years.  During that time I have married the love of my life, K, had three beautiful children (S, A, and, T), bought my first house, worked my way up in an extremely reputible hospital, and completed my Bachelor's and Master's degrees, respectively.

Getting ready to embark on the last phase of my education pathway, I ponder as to what the Lord has in store for me and my family.  I give myself to you Lord and ask that you bless me on this wonderful journey you have allowed for me to travel on.